First there was The Mythology of Empathy, a humble debut by the Sunsetters demonstrating musical prowess.
Next there was Summer Sucks, a grand symphony promising to bring the whole stage down.
Then there was We Excavate, a wandering reflection.

And then... came tragedy. Rhythm guitarist Remy Larson passed, leaving one last collection of pieces which his bandmates published in tribute. That was Ancestor. That was the point where the trajectory of the Sunsetters changed.

Coestts guitarist Sally Death contacted the band and agreed to join with them just in time for their contract with their record company to see renewal. They had more albums to do. And BMB Records have arranged some time in a new recording studio none of the members have ever heard of before...

Such is the premise for the work of great grief and stress.

NO ENTRY, cover by Wiratomkinder

The fourth Sunsetters album by Blind Man's Book

[there will be more.]

Twelve tracks and a sad story.

It is not yet time for the Nonfictional Commentary, so for now, just take the Fictional prose and lyrics.





Next up: The Eight Colors Trilogy