put the sun down - DJay

Except not as slender as me because I am the slender man, that is my name. Hello, I'm a master detective. I wear a cool hat and a cool coat and drift through the city streets at night, illuminated only by the lampposts. I'm one cool guy. My arch nemesis doesn't seem to think so, though. He's a gas mask-wearing hoodlum who signs his notes "Arch nemesis," the Arch always bolded. For years I've been trying to bust him-- that is, nearly three years-- but I just can't seem to get my slender hands on him.
Phantom abstractions in the blogosphere mist
The Blog Without a FaceWritten by Jordan "DJa(Billy [Christoph Magreat] Everyblogger)y32" Dooling
Based on a concept that deserves some credit to Lindsay "Jesus Archangard" Taylor
Justin Bieber and James Joyce pictures were found on Google, as was the McLovin license. Slender Man art on license drawn by Rappu. Coldems, opening and endslates drawn by DJay.
Characters based on concepts from the Fear Mythos.
I hereby give the Fearbloggers permission to use The Blog Without a Face however they see fit.
2013-2015, 2023