(Grimaldi's Mad Language)

1:30 AM
Donnie wants to stop for sleep. Personally, I want to keep driving, so I suggested she try to get some sleep in the car.
I think she meant for us to both rest in bed together, but.
I just have to keep driving.

1:54 AM
That road sign said Oak Ridge, TN.
I realize that, aside from ‘north,’ I’m really not all that sure where I’m going. It was foolish of me, but at least it seems to be sending us through Tennessee. That's progress of a kind.

2:03 AM
Car needs gas. Maybe I need a new map too.

2:10 AM
Found a little gas station. Lights still on and everything!

2:12 AM
Now how the hell do you refill a gas tank.
You just plug it in, right?

2:16 AM
Yeah, nothing’s happening.
Okay, what might be wrong. Let’s see.

2:17 AM
Yeah, no, it’s plugged in and everything. The lights at the gas station are on.
..oh, but the pump isn’t on. Duh.
Right, how do you turn a pump on?

2:18 AM
I was kinda half-expecting there to be some “ON” switch on it. But no.
Okay, uh… maybe it’s inside the actual station?

2:20 AM
Why’d I say that, nobody’s in here
Please put that gun down!
I’m only passing through!
I’m human!
Yes, gun, down, please!
I only have a guitar controller on me!
Thank you. Hello.

2:35 AM
The woman’s name was Maria. She’s seen her entire family and everyone she’s ever known dragged out of their beds, and she was surprised to find another human out here.
After talking for a while, I figured out that the thing that took her loved ones was the Masked Massacrer.
..well, a Masked Massacrer. There seem to be multiple of the things, after all.
So I told her about the two I’ve encountered. I promised her that these things are killable. I told her, in the end, everything will be okay. Rapture won’t come.
..not on my watch.
So she asked me who I was. I said “I’m the one who’s gonna save the fucking world.” Then I grabbed a sausage roll and walked out of there.
It would have been really badass had I turned the gas pump on before I left. Had to go back in and ask how to turn it on.

2:40 AM
Okay, we’re back on the road.
Map says I’m close to Kentucky, just gotta stay on the I-75.

3:32 AM
…oh god I almost fell asleep at the wheel.
That would be a sucky way to die in the middle of the apocalypse.
Fuck it, I’m pulling over at the next town.

3:41 AM
Newcomb. Map says I’m juuust south of the Kentucky border.
Good enough for me.

3:43 AM
I don’t want to tell Donnie to get up just to go to some sleazy motel to go to sleep again.
But I don’t want to leave her in here, sleeping alone.
…I’ll sleep in here with her. :3

1:29 PM
..woke up and Donnie’s gone. o___o;;
Calm down, Jordan. She’s probably just taking a walk or looking for a bathroom or something.

1:44 PM
..okay, I’ll.. take a little walk, myself.
Not looking for her or anything.
She’s not missing.
I need to stretch my legs. Check out Newcomb.

1:50 PM
This place is as “Typical American quiet town” as it gets.
This town’s, like.. one long street with the occasional neighborhood off the side.
The buildings are plain and built for the summer, and if I had to be blunt about it, this looks like the kind of town I’d expect to read about in a Stephen King novel. The protagonist would drive in, meet the people, and then be quietly killed.
…probably not what I want to think about in these circumstances.

2:02 PM
Donnie? Shit, what are you doing in this
totally abandoned
with those suited men hiding behind you
deep inside this rabbit hole?
a voice speaks to me...

2:0000008 PM
85 minutes later
I just don’t understand.
"An abusive son denying the damage he has caused to all he has loved."
Now wait a minute, man!
"Be afraid. You get what you deserve."
But I don’t, I can’t. That’s not fair to say.
"We musicians have to look out for each other."
"The stream of thought lies in you still."
"Or is it a deluge?"

But I’ve moved on.
"Put the stream to sleep."
What are you trying to prove?
"You are always a living contradiction of all you love."
I’m my own person.
"Take a trip."

2304:$0229 PM
And then she snatched my neck with both hands and would not let go.
"The mirror would not meet your eyes for a week."
The only person who didn’t hate me

29330404jf593red49ed4d: 49e023ed-c t44ewd PM
Please leave me be.
"How much would you give?"
I’d.. I’d throw myself into Rapture.
"How much would you give to be loved?"
I'd give myself to the Rapture.
"If only that would solve our problems..."
"If only..."

234405983113444:4444444444444444444 PM
Just make it quick.
Kill me. Do something.
"Kill you?"
"So you can enjoy the feel of the wind on your grey matter under your skull?"
"Feel the cold air..."
"From musician to musician, are we really the enemy you despise?"
"Are we really the target of your vocal artillery?"
"The warfare is with the cause."
"The correlation of fear begins with the red, free of mind."
"And the correlation of gods belongs with the blue, free of heart."
Please, just.
What do you
"You are on your hands and knees just from some words."
"And some senses in your brain."

You're not making
"You talk to us of sense? You do not know of sense."
"After all, tell us your story. Tell it to the world. Tell it to every survivor who happens upon this journal years after your bones are dust."
"Or tell it to those watching from beyond the topographic ocean, screaming at you from behind their glass windows. Tell it to them. Scream your music to the nomads of abstract reality."
"It is all you do. You tell your story, you are going to tell your story, you are going to turn your experiences into a story. Where is the sense in that?"

"We have been to corners of reality alien to those alien to you. We have served the ancients and created the future. We have found what is consistent, what is true. We know that will, and only will, is reality. Vibration is truth. Heat, movement, vision, electricity, mass, sound is vibration. It is not the contents of your speech, but that you speak, which manifests reality. What use is semantic but as a game of winners and losers? What is this preoccupation of yours with story?"
"I wonder..."
"We wonder!"
"I do wonder…"
"We, we are one. You and us. We are the musicians, you included, Rael."
"It's something about character…"
"..yes, Seppo. Character. Character is the flaw that his preoccupation with story brings. His character is laid bare, readable, exploitable."
"It's something about…"
"Right. Character is exploitable. Character is.. manipulable. Character is... writable."
"You cannot outrun character. You cannot outrun its beating, slamming, hurting."
"Romans in the coliseum."
"Free admission to the greatest show known to man, to beast, to god."
"To god and beyond."
"To god and beyond!"
"Muse of hatred shouts, free of the mountains, indeed."

It never stops.
"It never stops."
"We never stop."
"And you never stop, because you did not start. We started you, in a big bang of noise."

"Do you want to see?"


9:29 PM
Donnie is shaking me. We're in the car. Still in the car.
What did I do this time?
She’s trying to wake me up.
Of course, I was sleeping on the fucking job.
I’m sorry, Donnie.
No, it’s okay, it’s really my fault. I’m sorry.
I’ll do better this time.
I’ll get us out of here.
Where were we going? Kentucky? Right.

11:49 PM
Language of the mad.

(Attached: "Their existence as a pair had to be discovered. Before, they were given singular names, such as Ptah, Phanes, Seppo Ilmarinen, and Shamash, though now the two have each claimed these names. One is Ptah and the other is Phanes. One is Seppo and the other is Shamash. These are all, of course, names of gods. The rise in parlance and rumor of a 'Grimaldi,' now seen as a mere supernatural being, is flaky to trace, but this will have been where the pair got their current attire. And, of course, only one of the two is actually Grimaldi.
I went to the birth of the Earth once, me and the Devil. I told that story already. Well, later I went further and witnessed the Big Bang. It was not an event like the birth of a King. The Big Bang happened to each and every one of us, and each and every one of us happened
to the Big Bang. It's still happening right now, as you read these words. You are the echoes of that progenitive scalar, that constant creative fire expanding as space.
Grimaldi was the one who spoke that scalar. I saw, with my unseeing eyes. He wasn't even a 'he' then, he had not settled on a universal form, he was the closest a Musician has come to standing outside the Totality of existence. There was just this.. decision. For time to proceed forward, in the positive direction on the W axis. And
only forward, only towards that pole idealized as 'entropy.' But of course, entropy is an illusion, a lie-to-children, as you will see eventually. All that matters to my note here, all that matters to the log you just read, is that there was a force drifting between universes, scouting out a new refuge on the run from the Origin, whose very presence triggered the entropic march of time that we call Our Universe.
And his name, as he settled into his new clothes of Mass and adjusted to the language of Cause-And-Effect, well, his name was Ericapeus long before he was Grimaldi.
His story is not mine to observe. Heisenberg proved that.
Grimaldi does not like to exist. He likes to not exist, but an equal and opposing force keeps bringing him back, and we call that force Ptah but
he calls himself Seppo Ilmarinen.