(There were Strangers at the Birth of the Earth)

2:34 PM

3:10 PM

3:46 PM

3:50 PM

8:13 PM
i feel better.
just ow
i’ll get over it soon enough though.
finally got some food.
hadn’t eaten in days.
mouth hurts cut up
but i don’t care hungry.
i miss donnie.
god i really do.
if Donnie was here she’d hug me and kiss me and make me feel better..
She’d make sure I wasn’t feeling like shit and i’d appreciate it so much.
Because she’s not wooden.
WELL.. I mean.. there’s still something off about Mistress. Like.. she’s not completely cold, there’s a bit of warmth in there like she’s a little alive.
I’m beginning to wonder what the hell the Harlequin really is.
I’m also wondering what Donnie’s doing right now. I hope she’s still alive.
..of course she is, Jordan. Don’t be silly. Please.
How about a mystery I can sorta at least try to solve, the mystery of the receipt?
It said B-4000k, didn’t it? For some sorta oven?

8:40 PM
Holy shit, I’ve found something.
There’s definitely an oven here called the B-4000k.
It’s huge, absolutely gigantic. You could probably fit a cow on that thing. I’m not kidding.
What’s the “B” stand for? “Bake?” “Bovine?” “Burninate?”
….”Brazilian.” So Bones came all this way to buy us a giant cooker from Brazil?
That’s a little weird.

8:43 PM
I’ve been looking at it for a while, haven’t I? It’s kinda creepy. Almost.. ominous. Foreshadboding.
I’m gonna go home and pop some prog on. I’ll see if I have any clean clothes at all.

9:38 PM
Fuck yes, Mastodon’s Blood Mountain. Let’s look for some clothes.

9:50 PM
Hey, my Rock Band T-shirt. I love this thing.
Found some nice trousers, too. Black. I’m sick of white.
No idea where my black suit and trilby are, though.
Fuck it, going back to my prog.

10:47 PM

10:48 PM
All of a sudden, tons of zombies standing outside the house. Like they did many weeks ago. Where have these zombies been?
Unless Mistress has been keeping them away and now she’s done with me.
..they’re not copying me. o_o

10:49 PM
They mostly just stand there, surrounding the house, but a lot of them are occasionally.. moving their arms. Like they’re getting used to them. Some of them are “testing” the legs, too.

10:53 PM
..they really do not look like conventional zombies. They look a lot like normal humans, but just.. almost comatose?
It’s creepy.

11:00 PM
They all said “Your move.”
And.. now they’re leaving.

11:57 PM
Can I be honest with you, journal?
I’m scared of what Mistress’ll do to me tonight.

(Attached: “Now feels like the perfect time for a change in subject, so here’s the tale of when I witnessed the Earth’s birth. The only preface necessary is that I was then so young and guided by an omega-symbol-faced figure calling himself the Devil, sibling to the Colour of Blood.
I could feel space folding in half before me. The Devil flickered into existence beside me, saying nothing. We walked through planes of hydrogen on grounds unseen. Clouds of green dust littered the air. As we walked forward, our path strolled upwards as some invisible hill.
Lightning cracked above, forking down and causing a pink rip in the cloud ahead. I fell over as my footing rumbled, but the Devil continued as if I wasn’t there.
In the distance, I could see seven stars appear in the sky. Then seven more. Then more still until this realm had an astral audience.
The Devil had almost left my field of vision, so I hopped to my feet and ran to catch up.
A series of grand chords roared to life around us, triggered by the lightning. Steam rose, and the green clouds descended until they marked our footing.
More lightning shocked the ethereal field, somehow solidifying the clouds with a fierce thud that transitioned into the world’s primordial symphony. Magma shot out from under us, creating a tunnel of fire and harmony of heat itself.
I caught up to the Devil, and together we reached the end of this tunnel to see the clouds ahead whirlpooling far below us. Stars flew out from the sky and funneled down the whirlpool. The Devil stood still and held out an arm to stop me. We watched every star fall into the vortex.
Lightning hit the aperture, and all movement stopped in the universe’s fear reaction.
Five figures rose together from the center of the whirlpool, heads looking up to the heavens, one arm outstretched above. To call these figures humanoid would be neither true nor false; their shapes did not resemble us but their movements and the way they carried themselves suggested some common evolutionary quirk. All five towered over our heads, clashes of shadow and color and light and greyscale spread throughout our fields of vision.
Describing the five figures challenges me, especially now after the fact, but one looked a mountain gripping a monolith sword, one looked a long ferocious beast with a thousand eyes, one looked a staircase rising into infinity, one looked a pair of black and white fireballs soaring around, and one looked a river of some roaring unknown black ooze. They did not see us, only scanned the galactic neighborhood with some semblance of elegance before setting out to look around further. Grand chords played on, now met by juxtaposing melodies from the fireballs and the river.
The mountain spoke, uttering noises that shook space itself.
The tunnel of lava behind us fell into the abyss, and the steam had now formed a thick cloud above even the tallest figure. It was going to rain.
That is, before three red stars appeared on the horizon, coming closer and closer faster than the falling rain.
The universe paused once more, bracing for impact.
Niggling giggles and mind-terrors flew, one-by-one, into the playing field. Each one stopped on a dime just short of the five titanic figures. These new beings, I could not see but could rather deduce what they didn’t look like. Whatever they were, they were strangers.
One stranger uttered something resembling a chuckle and then proceeded to fly into the river, splashing a fountain of black ooze into the air. The Devil stood back a bit, and so I did too.
The ooze covered every titan, and the mountain roared in pain. Cracks appeared, and each figure split into five smaller beings. Everything fled. Everyone vanished. And the strangers were nowhere to be found.
In the empty void of prehistoric quiet, it finally began to rain.
I shrugged. The Devil looked at me with annoyance and asked,
---Did none of that worry you?
--Well, forgive me for not reacting exactly the way you intended. Mind telling me what it is I was seeing, let alone what I’m supposed to be worried about?
---You really don’t know?
He paused and looked at the ‘ground,’ hands on his hips, then muttered:
---Right, of course you don’t; I keep forgetting you’re not Tiresias.
I ignored that remark.
He looked at the vortex before us and raised his arms.
---Behold, the origin of your planet! What you just saw were.. what the fuck did people call them, Trimurti? I know the Coyote was in there somewhere. Or was it? You guys have a lot of mythology. He waved his hands in dismissal before continuing: Whatever, the Coyote was one of those guys you saw. Ptah was out there too. I don’t know all their names, okay?
--‘Ptah.’ So they were us? The big titan guys were us?
---‘Titan,’ yeah, that was another word for it. They’re the guys who became us. Or I mean, that was some of them. Long story. Point is, this is when we first settled here.
I looked around at the starless night and the mass-less atmosphere.
--You guys sure got here early.
---We like to attend the midnight release.
--And what about those other things?
---I think–
he paused to look in the direction they’d come from–
---that one's beyond even us.
We stood there a while, the Devil lost in thought and I trying to take in the scenery. Eventually he started walking back the way we came, and I tagged along, not exactly desiring to stay in the land before time.
--So there’s no way to choose where the Doors take us? You didn’t choose to take me here?
---No. Our destination is entirely random.
Before we left through our entry Door, I heard more chords so I turned and watched the rain increase in ferocity. Far away, hovering above the centre of the vortex, I thought I saw a blue figure watching in all directions with curiosity. No emotion. Just endless curiosity.”)