(Rael's Exodus II: Indisen)

4:17 AM
Good morning, journal! :D Donnie’s still asleep. I think I’ll take a morning walk.

4:32 AM
Stuff on the walls.
Not entirely sure what that is. Might be water?

4:35 AM
It’s written on the wall. Looks like blood. o_o

4:36 AM
There’s a lot of this blood trailing past “INDISEN” and going into this room.
This is someone’s room, I know it. I don’t remember whose.
I knocked.

4:37 AM
Nobody’s answering. I’ll keep trying.

4:38 AM
Okay, I’m openrevji0
This is surprising. Oh god where did my emotions go.
It’s, uh.. it’s the Innkeeper. She’s dead. Head decapitated, sliced clean off.
I think the Masked Massacrer is on board the Exodus.
I need to tell someone.

4:51 AM
The bridge, found the bridge, telling Doctor Jackson.

4:55 AM
God, there’s not really much we can do besides be prepared to kill anyone who attacks us. This is gonna be hell.

5:34 AM
Sneaking back into bed.

9:09 AM
You know what I really like, journal? Waking up to find Donnie cuddling me.

9:27 AM
I wonder if there’s any breakfast today.

9:33 AM
YES There is. :D Weetabix! :DD

9:38 AM
“Lowest Point” has a really big drop, caught me off-guard.
..wait, “Lowest Point.” Why’s that playing?
God, who cares, this song kicks ass.

9:44 AM

10:03 AM
“I hope you folks enjoyed that little wake-up call there. Found it among Yates’ music. Specifically, we found a sheet of paper attached to this album, We Excavate, by Sunsetters. The paper said ‘Track 8.’
“Anyway, this is your captain speaking. Doctor Jackson did a fantastic job covering for me in the night shift, and now he’s gone to sleep. Now it’s my turn again. So, uh.. good morning! I hear chef Gusteau is serving some breakfast in the dining room this morning.
“The skies look clear and red, the seas oddly still. We’re making great progress, record time so far. So.. welcome to day two of your voyage on the R.M.S Exodus.
“What’s that? ……oh. I’ve just been informed that a miss Penelope Judge passed away last night. You may have known her as the innkeeper at the lovely seaside inn in Liverpool. I assure you, her passing away had nothing to do with Patrick Yates’ yesterday.
“Anyway, these unexpected developments only strengthen the point of my advice for you ladies and gentlemen: stay alive. Fitzgerald out.”
Interestingly enough, he’s right about the deaths being unrelated.
I’m heading back to my room. Donnie’ll be wondering where I am.

10:31 AM
I brought Donnie back some fruit. :D And some toast!

11:00 AM
..door. Donnie’s getting it.
It’s a girl. Fifteen, I think. What was her name Quinn, Quinn Tickrand.
She wants to hang out with us. Because we seem like cool people. And she feels unsafe.
..o_o Wait, what?

11:04 AM
Quinn’s parents are missing. She says they were having an argument, a very nasty argument, and she left the room to get some fresh air but when she went back down they were gone and they haven’t come back.
We said she could stay with us until they show up again.
Which they will. They will.

11:11 AM
I do wish they would show up.

12:34 PM
..Donnie heard a noise. Came from the hallway.
Quinn says it’s probably her parents looking for her.
I concur.

12:36 PM
Quinn’s dead. >___<
The Rake’s run off again, back to its cargo hold.
So this is how it’s gonna be, Rake. Picking us off one by one. Saving me for last, me, the White Jester you want. You bastard.

12:59 PM
We’re telling the captain about this.

1:02 PM
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. If any of you know where Mister and Missus Samuel and Janet Tickrand are, please tell them to come up to the bridge. Once again, Samuel and Janet Tickrand, please come up to the bridge. As for the rest of you, stay alive. Fitzgerald out.”

1:05 PM
Miss DeNumante came in. To the bridge.
She says the Rake kidnapped her son, Brian.
Carl says he’s had enough of the Rake’s shit. rwahshotgun, he’s got a shotgun.
He told me to get my guitar thing and come with him.
“We’re gonna open some fucking windows.”

1:34 PM
Here we go. Carl Rackleberg and Jordan Dooling, shotgun and Tiger Stripes. Versus the Rake and the Rake’s claws.
I am so excited and terrified at the same time.

1:47 PM
We step into the cargo hold, and into the mouth of madness.
It’s darker than a witch’s ass in here. It’s also colder than a rat’s tit.
..I think I got those backwards.

1:50 PM
I hear something.
It sounds like the pitter-patter of light footsteps.
Not the Rake’s ferocious footsteps, either. Calculating footsteps.
Carl has a flashlight, and he’s shining it around, but we can’t quite see anything. Or anyone.

1:51 PM
where’d it go
I can hear it panting and snarling.
Something is very wrong about this, though.
The Rake’s been oddly quiet up until now.

1:52 PM

1:53 PM
Ran out to a hallway
Hit a dead-end
Time to eat guitar controller, Rake.
Wait, I need a one-liner for this.
And with this guitar, I shred the Rake a new asshole.

1:55 PM
The Rake is dead.
I’m not proud of that one-liner. That wasn’t very.. me, y’know?
..wait, where’s Carl? Did he not follow me?

2:00 PM
Cargo hold. I don’t see anything at all here.
..flashlight beam!

2:14 PM
“Attention, ladies and gentlemen? This is your captain speaking. We have some good news and some bad news.
“The good news is, that creature that was on board? It’s dead now! Never again will you have to worry about it. The bad news is, our loyal and competent engineer, Carl Rackleberg, has passed away. We all miss him deeply, and.. it’s like ev—
Really? Okay, we’ve got more news. Ms. Desmond has woken up from her comatose state. She’s apparently asking for a Rael. If you or anyone you know happens to know who she might be referring to, please let us know.
“In the meantime, I highly recommend considering trying to stay alive. Fitzgerald out.”

3:38 PM
I’m visiting Ms. Desmond. I’m gonna see her for myself.
Doctor Johnson is here. Not Doctor Jackson, but Johnson.

3:39 PM
Well hello, Ms. Desmond. ..who is staring at me.
She said “Hello” back.
Doctor Johnson is shocked.
Ms. Desmond is definitely the old woman I’ve been seeing around. It’s really creepy, looking at her, and she’s in bed and not standing in the middle of a hallway.
I asked how she’s feeling.
“How are you feeling?” That’s what I got back.
I said my name is Jordan.
“Your name is Rael.”
No, my name is Jordan.
“You are Rael to us.”
Who’s “us?”
“I’m still figuring that one out.”
Are you feeling alright, Ms. Desmond?
“I’m not sure. I’m still getting used to these feelings.”
You’ve been in a coma, Ms. Desmond. Do you remember anything?
“I can remember all of my former life.. and a lot more. For instance, I am just a virus to her.”
To who?
“It has no name of her own.”
What doesn’t? o_o
“One of us called her the Epping Aquatarkus. Another one of us called her Salmacis. I don’t know what to call her.”
But what is that? Who is that? reply now.

3:57 PM
That was weird. That’s an understatement. That was really weird.
I gotta find Donnie; I want some hugs.

4:22 PM
Donnie’s hugs always help greatly. :3

4:44 PM
That was a gunshot.

4:50 PM
Everyone’s gathered around this door. I take it the gunshot was from in here.

4:51 PM D:
Miss DeNumante.
There’s even a note.
“They took my Brian away.” That’s all it says.

5:20 PM
We.. we’d actually killed the Rake, though. She didn’t have to do it. We were gonna find Brian.
We were, we are.
Goddamn. Everyone’s dying out there, and she chooses to.. bah.
I dunno, journal. I find something depressing about it.
And here I thought I was desensitized to people dying by now.
I guess it’s cabin fever. Anxiety. I have a lot more time to think now. I don’t like having time to think.
But with the Rake dead, we shouldn’t have to worry as much. Now we only have one serial killer on-board, picking us off one-by-one.
Hey, it’s better than two.

6:00 PM
Sausages for dinner today.

7:10 PM
I’m sorry, journal. I’m just really.. bah.
I’m tired, journal. I’m tired.
I’m going to sleep.

9:50 PM
I’ll get it.

9:53 PM
It was Mister Finch, like last night.
He asked me about Ms. Desmond.
I showed him my journal.
He read it really fuckin’ fast. But maybe that was just me.
Then he quietly said “Rapture.”
I asked for clarification.
“It’s really coming, Rael. It’s really coming.”
Then he walked off.

9:55 PM
Rapture is coming.
Rapture. Is coming.
No matter how many times I write it, it refuses to bring any clarity. It’s just three words, three context-less words, three meaningless words. ..three real words.

11:00 PM

(Attached: “ Salmacis doesn’t talk much about the past, preferring to discuss the present. Everything’s all logic and accuracy with her, too, which can make for some great conversations and some frustrating ones, depending on your mood. But somewhere in this library, I should have something to offer insight into her past. I should, but I don't. I’ve got information on everyone but her. It’s always here, always all around us, you can’t escape from her liquid mental clutch, yet you can also never learn about her. It always.. slips away, out of your grasp. I’ve lived a long time, a real long time, and I still have no idea where it came from. I think that’s her use of abstraction, her insistence on complexity. If you can create something that’s so complex and so filled with monotony and misdirection, you can scare everyone off. Everyone except those who have, themselves, mastered the art of depersonalization.”)