(Vorke, the Face Stealer)

8:20 AM
Let’s get a move on.
Long days ahead.

8:39 AM
..what am I doing on the highway I’M SUPPOSED TO BE LOOKING FOR RABBIT HOLES, there was probably one back there in the gas station, fffffffffffff
Fuck it. I’ll keep going.

9:12 AM
Holy shit, zombies. I haven’t seen zombies in ages.
There’s a lot of these fuckers.
Where have they been? And why are no monsters still attacking me?

9:34 AM
The zombies have formed a wall. They won’t let me past this bit of road; they’re actually making me go down a side road.
I’m a little worried, gotta admit.

9:41 AM
That’s a big house they’re leading me to.

9:45 AM
They’re leading me to the cellar.
Did they just lead me to a rabbit hole?
Did they just help me?

9:50 AM
I’m in a desert.
The sky’s a dull red, like.. like.. Mars? I dunno.
I can hear some sort of machinery pumping in the distance.
I’m gonna go that way.

10:04 AM
There’s also a faint hissing noise.
It’s coming from underground.
..I’m gonna go faster.

10:19 AM
Hello, river. The hell?
There’s a building just down there, by the riverside.

10:23 AM
No one’s home?

10:24 AM
Broke the door down.
This is a small shack. Cluttered. I can’t see much so far.

10:26 AM
There’s a ladder going down underground.
On one hand, the hissing was from underground.
On the other hand, there might be nice people.
..fuck it, I have no other leads.

10:30 AM
That was a long ladder.
This is a narrow and not-very-well-lit mine shaft tunnel.

10:42 AM
Whoa. Lights around here are brighter.
Fuck. That’s an elevator. I wonder how far down it goes.
Hell, I wonder if it actually works.
I don’t see any other paths, so.. why not?

11:00 AM
Hit the bottom. Wow, that was long.
This is a giant cavern. o_o
I can hear the hissing much louder.

11:10 AM
There.. are a lot of pairs of legs around here.
That is, neatly ripped-off pairs of legs. Human legs.

11:11 AM
I wish that I don’t lose my legs.
Speaking of, these legs are forming some kinda trail, going much deeper into this cavern.

11:14 AM
The hissing’s getting very loud.
I also hear something else. Faint screams.
Why oh why are there no other paths?
Too linear for me, lulz am I right journal. ..ha.

11:19 AM
There’s a humongous door. It’s a vault door. And it’s huge.
The hissing is coming from behind it.

11:22 AM
The trail of legs leads up to it. One is actually underneath the door, so I imagine there’s more inside.

11:25 AM
I see no way to open the door.

11:26 AM
The hissing’s stopped.
Is.. “it” asleep?

11:27 AM

11:30 AM
I’m hiding behind a rock. It’s moving back into its little chamber.
So, uh.. it busted the door down. I think it was my footsteps that woke it up.
It looks like a snake, a giant snake, but its mouth is literally a swirling vortex of purple blood and orangey-red guts. If you look far enough, you can see that the swirling vortex extends as far back as the other side of the thing.
The thing’s back end is a humongous steel box. It looks like a Jack-in-the-Box snake thing, but it moves so effortlessly. Let’s call it the Vorke. Vortex snake. Kay? Kay.
I’m gonna look around for some possible way past this motherfucker FIND A NEW SWEAR WORD

11:35 AM
There seems to be a small door inside its chamber. I’m not sure where it leads. I’m not sure how the hell I’m gonna get there, but.. here goes.

11:37 AM

11:44 AM
go away go away shut up shut up go away go away
oh thank you
It’s gone the Vorke’s forgotten about me, wow it has a short attention span.
Okay, where the hell could that key be?
..something tells me it’s inside the Vorke.
No, you know what? I have a better idea, a much better idea.

11:47 AM
Crowbar, apply directly to locked door.

11:48 AM
Slammed the door shut behind me.
….motherfunker, it’s dark in here.
I hear sniffling. Lots of it. There’s lots of people in here.
I called out, and they’re all responding.
They’re all shouting “The vortex,” “My body,” and “Kill us.”
I’m gonna open the door a little, to shine some light in.

11:50 AM
I shut the door again.
Oh my god.
The wall.
They are the wall.
Their faces are the wall.
Hundreds of faces.
Hundreds of human faces.
They are the wall.
I take it that’s what the Vorke does.
It rips your legs off and then plasters does that to your face.
But what happens to the rest of you?
Does it just get eaten?

11:53 AM
I asked where the nearest exit is. Someone said “Oh, it’s right over there.”

11:56 AM
As a matter of fact, I’m just past Berga.
I think I’ll wait a little bit before I try another rabbit hole.

1:31 PM
Found another building.
I don’t wanna really do this, but then again, it’s better than taking weeks walking back.
Let’s go.

1:41 PM
False alarm, that building didn’t have a rabbit hole in it.

2:04 PM
For an apocalyptic sun, that’s still quite a hot one.
Y’know, I wonder what the Earth looks like from space now.
I wonder if it looks red. I wonder if there are any dramatic changes to continents. I wonder if all the oceans are still normal.

2:32 PM
I can hear some faint caws. I guess I’m getting relatively a little tiny bit sorta close to the border? Maybe? Or maybe the Thunderbirds are coming closer. What’d that graffiti call ‘em? Convoy? Convocation? Whatever, I like ‘Thunderbirds.’

2:47 PM
Gas station. Rabbit hole?

2:50 PM
No, but I found some crisps and soda. :3

3:22 PM
Whoa, what’s this? Could this be another car I’ve found?
Please be another car.
Oh my god, it’s a duck.
How did I get a duck confused with a car.
..wait, that’s a pretty big duck.
That’s what I’m calling it, now RUN!

9:50 PM
Encounter with Rapture Duck left me unable to write for a while. The damn duck ate my journal.
I wound up running into another rabbit hole, this one taking me to the universe of nothing but naked women.
Every naked woman was the exact same, though. Brunette, mole on the right cheek, one breast bigger than the other. Ass was cute, though. I’d kiss it. .w. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say the women were Italian. Probably just Spanish, though, knowing my ignorance.
Like I said, every woman was that woman. It was kinda creepy. They all called themselves Rachael. No last name. Just Rachael.
Some of them kissed me, some of them tried to take my clothes off, but I’m too kinky to take my clothes off! ;D
Unfortunately, they were all quite submissive. x__x It was terribly uncomfortable for me, to say the least.
I asked them if they wouldn’t mind escorting a humble traveller along to.. well, as far as that rabbit hole would go. They were more than happy to obey. I would have preferred “oblige” or “help” or, best of all, “direct.”
Once I introduced myself to the first two Rachaels, every one we met just.. knew me. As if they really were all the same girl, just everywhere at once.
The environment was pretty generic. I’d wager it looked like.. an east-coast US suburban town. If I had to guess a state, I’d say North Carolina, maybe Virginia. Looked like one of those. I just got big.. vibes.
They held my hands and went along with me, showing me around and giving me a tour, giggling at everything I said and asking if they could try on my trilby. I admit, I liked the attention. .w. Loved the attention.
We reached some kinda sign, a bit like a STOP sign, but in some different language, I suppose. It wasn’t Spanish, I can tell you that. It was.. all.. shapes. It was sticking out in the middle of the road, not the pavement but the road, and when we got to it, the Rachaels escorting me just kinda stopped and looked at it for a bit. I asked what it was, and they didn’t respond for a bit, but after a second or two, they looked back at me with a smile and ushered me along.
They spent a long time asking me abou—oh yeah, they spoke in American accents, which also led me to think it was North Carolina or Virginia or something. Anyway, they spent a long time asking me about my clothes, where I was from, my crowbar, how strong I apparently looked (I’m skinny as a rake! o_o), if I had a girlfriend, stuff like that. Once again, I admit, I loved the attention. And they loved hearing I was single. One Rachael said she’d be my girlfriend just for that little escort, and then the others started arguing over who should get me.
Then we hit a second STOP-y sign. I didn’t even spot it until I heard them all abruptly stop at once. They were glaring at it. I can sorta remember the shapes on the sign; it was three, rather simple looking. Circles and squares and a triangle or two. Once again, I asked what was up, and this time, some of them started glaring at me for a second, but then they all became warm again and led me along.
By this point, there were quite a lot of Rachaels following me. I don’t remember all of them appearing, to be honest, but there were plenty of times I wasn’t looking. I know the road we were walking down seemed to go on for miles, though. I asked how much further there was, and they said there wasn’t much further to go, and that the next exit’ll take me to France.
One Rachael even asked if I could take her with me. The others looked at her with a lot of fear. I said I’d gladly if she’s not, like.. supposed to stay in that rabbit hole world or anything. The others wouldn’t say anything. Some of them were glaring at me, some of them looking at the sky, some of them at that particular Rachael. After a while, I just nervously chuckled and asked what her favourite place is. That got ‘em talking again.
I started to hear some dogs barking or something, and that’s when I decided to ask a question they might be able to answer. I asked about “Rapture.” I asked about the rabbit holes. I remember what they said very well, and it’s why I decided to write this recollection down.
One girl said “Doors.” Then the others stared at her. They looked desperate. She continued to talk. “Rapture is when the last door shuts.”
And that’s when the last STOP-y sign showed up. This one wasn’t in the shape language, either. This one was in English. It said “RUN.” I looked back, and all the girls were glaring at me, except the one who wanted to come with me. She looked very afraid.
I don’t remember what happened next, but I do remember a lot of running. There was also Gas Masky again, but that’s not important.
I found my way to another rabbit hole, and kept running, just in case they actually did follow me. Now I’m in a French hotel. I’m actually in Paris. Motherfucking Paris, motherfuckers.
I’ll look around tomorrow. For now, I’m exhausted from all that running.

(Attached: “No one corroborates on Rachael World’s existence, no one I’ve ever spoken to agrees that it exists. The only sign is these journals, and my own time spent there but that is covered in these same journals later on. If you ask me, the place sounds related to the Camper in some way, but Death must also have something to do with it. And by sheer coincidence, those are the only two I haven’t spoken to about that place. Must do some more research on this.”)