Act I: The Coming of the Four Rakes


4:07 PM
Far off the border from misagony and order,
Mankind prepares a dance.
No soldier wins when the inferno begins,
No artist leaves his trance.
I need an escape,
I need an escape now.
God, I never get tired of that song. “The Inferno Begins,” Sunsetters. Track one of Summer Sucks, beautiful rock opera.
..wait a minute. I’m actually hearing this.
Someone’s playing my prog.

Godfuckingdammit, how long have I been out of it?! My barricades mustn't be working if zombies can get in, hang on let me deal with this

4:09 PM
There, rooting through the kitchen YOU’RE NOT A ZOMBIE YOU’RE A GIRL
“I’m so sorry, hi, I’m sorry for waking you, please don’t hurt me!”
I’m not gonna hurt you! Wow! Whoa! Uh! …let me put this guitar down!
“I’m really sorry for waking you. I was just looking for some food when I found your music collection. You were all curled up, so I assumed you were dead or.. or something.”
It’s okay! Yeah, I have a pretty big collection. ^^; yes. Where are my manners? Hello. I’m Jordan.
Charmed. :D
You can help yourself to my food. I don’t know where my parents are; I think it’s just you and me here. So yeah. Help yourself.
“Thank you…”
You don’t happen to know what’s up with the whole……
“No. No, it’s all a mystery to me too. Sorry.”
It’s okay. Here, let me.. let me show you where the sausage rolls are!

4:16 PM
munch munch
"What are you writing? If you don't mind me asking."
Oh, it's just.. a journal I've been keeping. ^^; Ever since Saturday. I'm not normally one for them, but it's helped me stay focused on things. You don't mind if I include you in here, do you? o_o;;
"No, not at all!" inches closer "What kinda stuff are you writing about me?"
Just the conversation.
"May I see?"

4:17 PM
She handed it back quick. Said she can't read my handwriting.

5:30 PM
We fortified the barricades, house should be secure now, then we remarked at how electricity still works and decided to watch a film.
Donnivan's really cute. .w. Tall, slim, long red hair, I rather hope she stays with me.
Now we're talking about our experiences.

7:44 PM
Her mum brought her along to a pub, hoping it would be safe enough, but then when Donnivan went to the bathroom, she came back to find her mother gone and a Big One crawling away down the street outside. She spent a day in shock and, after gathering her composure, started looking for food. That's her story, in so few words. I told her mine too. She doesn't recognize the weird.. rabbit hole places I went to.
Then I told her about my dream. I had it after dealing with the Rake, all the way through 'til she woke me up. A lot of the dream escapes me already, but one of the more prominent images in my mind was this.. thing where I fell into a copier, a giant planet-sized copier, and lots and lots of copies of me came out, only they weren't perfect, they were all more like snapshots of me, two-dimensional pieces that hinted at the Jordan I really am but weren't. There was some kinda dreamy implication that the snapshots would grow into their own things until they no longer resemble me (maybe until I resemble them?), and then the dream went down the usual route of faint sensations and wordless conversations.
There was also this other part later on, where I was running to get away from some vaguely dangerous.. lab except it wasn't a lab but a maze that only superficially resembled a lab, when next thing I know I'm stepping into a black-and-white corridor of doors and out of one at the far end steps a taller me covered in blood, a mirror figure filled with deepest dread and unholy responsibilities. He showed up more in my dream until I finally get close enough to touch him, and I grab his face and rip it off and it's a mask and behind it was my dad.
And that was that. It stuck in my mind, I dunno.

8:22 PM
She’s been in the bathroom a while. o_o
Donnivan? Are you alright in there?
..she's crying.
Hey, I'm here if you.. if you want to talk or something.
" you promise you're there?"
Absolutely. I'll still be here once you open that door.
“It’s not fair. It can’t be. Nothing about this works out.”
It’ll be okay, ma’am. This red sky thing won’t last long, just you watch. Why, my friends in America haven’t even noticed any strange red skies or anything, so that tells me this can’t be all that serious!
Yes. :D Now c’mon. What do you say we walk down to Tesco and grab some chocolate milk or something? My treat.

11:00 PM
Rapture is coming.

(Attached: "Paul Blackwood said, one gorgeous evening, that the sun will always set on that same Earth on which it rises. I had no idea what he meant then, but I think he was talking about me. I was always the least mature member of the band. I turned up late to practice-- sometimes to gigs. I racked up our tabs in every bar we played, even though I also got a lot of that beer specifically so I could smash the bottles over some asshole's head. I could hardly play drums for longer than half an hour without getting bored, which made a lot of our longer songs a chore live. I didn't do much in terms of songwriting when we started, hell I couldn't write at all, not in English. But after a while, sometime after we released Summer Sucks, all that came to a halt when my father died. No, rather my self-destructive tendencies went overboard, and I'm lucky I didn't do anything serious to myself or to others. What made it then come to a halt was when the lawyer told me my father had had a massive stack of personal notebooks hidden away this whole time, that his last will and testament was that I would be given them as one last gift to his only son. I cut off all contact with the band. I went into complete seclusion, in fact, for several weeks as I read through them. These journals here are pretty unrelated to them, but something about the whole thing brought that memory back to my mind.")