(Cipher For A Million Years)

7:10 AM
MISTRESS, HOW ARE YOUUUUU? Um.. yeah, kinda.. bad time!
"You made it to Blackpool, and in such record time! This is a nice town, isn't it? Have you been on the front yet? There's still loads of souvenirs, and no one to charge you money for them. There's even a working candy floss machine. Maybe I'll have you make me some sometime. Maybe later."
It.. it is a nice town, yes!
"I'm here to give you important information. There's a marketplace I want you to go to, you'll find it on your own, you'll know the place. I want you there on Tuesday, at 8 PM. I have a job for you."
Oh.. okay.
"See you, cutie."
And she's gone. o_o
That was.. particularly awkward for me, as Donnie's hugging me in her sleep.
Goddamn, Jordan. You're either very lucky, or very unlucky. I have no idea anymore.

10:07 AM
Had breakfast. Going for another walk. I asked the tropers about any nearby marketplaces, and there's a very prominent one nearby. Gonna check it out, see if there’s anything today.

10:45 AM
The marketplace is quiet, no zombies anywhere or anything. There are countless stalls littered around, and very few are empty.
…free stuff. :D

10:51 AM
Ohhhh my god, CDs.

10:54 AM
There was actually some good stuff there. Got Bonnjo Vjönsped’s Cipher for a Million Years (part one: Beacon and Forty Knights of Some Sort of Fluffy Texture) and some David Bowie.

10:59 AM
..huh. A poster.
MAY 31 @ 20:00

A troper meet-up. May 31st is.. I’m pretty sure that’s Tuesday. 20:00’s 8 o’ clock. Mistress was right.
Shit. This is interesting.

1:12 PM
Back at the house. Brought up the troper meet-up. Tropers 1 and 2 didn’t know about it. o_o

2:38 PM
We're all sitting in the living room, drinking tea, eating crumpets, reading newspapers and books.
Like nothing ever happened to the world.
This.. pretty much is exactly why I wanted to come up here. It's about survival, but it's also about safety.
Donnie's thankful to have somewhere safe, she gets it! And she's thankful she joined me on such a long journey. uwu
If I can just.. deal with Mistress... then maybe this can be the new life for us? And if I can deal with her, then surely the governments and stuff can deal with the rest of it?
...Donnie's crossed her leg over mine.
God, I've always wanted that.

4:40 PM
During a lull in conversation about the places the tropers would have liked to have shown us if the town still worked, I asked what the others know about the rabbit holes.
“They’re gateways to somewhere. Sometimes people come back from them.” That’s all they knew.
I didn’t want to mention what Mistress told me, about how they caused this whole mess, how they’re growing. They’d wonder how I knew this. Donnie would, too. I can’t spill my secrets.
In retrospect, I should probably be careful what I write, as well. But no one's trying to read my journals. I think people just.. assume it's The Thing I Do.

7:12 PM
Blackpool's never this quiet in the summertime, it's a tourist town. Just goes to show how much a week of monsters changes.
The internet’s finally gone down. I suppose that’s why there’s a troper meet-up going on here.

10:00 PM
It’s hard to believe this apocalypse has been going on for over a week now. I just realized that.

10:27 PM
You know what I’m in the mood for?
Awake. Dream Theater. Specifically, “The Mirror.” >w>

10:28 PM
Puppies on Acid, motherfuckers.

10:45 PM
Whoa, that was a loud noise.

10:46 PM

10:48 PM

10:54 PM

10:55 PM
They’re not even doing anything. They only attack when I do. They move when I do.

10:59 PM
These zombies look really freaking creepy. Most of them don’t even look dead. Just.. high. They look brain-dead.

11:00 PM
Wait, what.
They’re leaving.

11:03 PM
Each one is gone now; the house is completely deserted besides us living folk.

11:09 PM
..troper 2.
Where’s troper 2?

11:11 PM
We’ve looked all over, but he’s nowhere. I wish we knew where he was.

11:13 PM
Donnie spotted him. He’s outside with the zombies.
I’m gonna get him. I need something to do.

11:18 PM
The zombies are all staring at me. They’re standing still, only turning to continue watching me as I go past.
Troper 2 is stuck. He can’t move.

11:19 PM
Fucking ropes or something, cable, something, wrapped around his leg. I’m gonna try to untie his
That’s not around his leg. That’s in it.
fuckmore of them in his arms torso head

11:30 PM
Fuuuck goddammit. I’m in. Troper 2’s not; he vanished shortly after the zombies ‘woke up.’
I need to keep a record of this. The more we have written down, the better, right? Troper 2 was struggling, he said he couldn’t move. I checked it out and he had…. some.. things, like.. cables or something digging into various parts of his skin. Then the zombies woke up.
They just all said “How do you do.” And next thing I know, they all raised their hands forward. Like.. like you expect zombies to do. They all reached for me.
Fuck, that was very weird.

11:42 PM
Donnie wants me in bed. Her exact words were “I want you to come to bed with me.” I don’t know if she’s just too tired to watch her words or what.
I guess we’re gonna find out!

(Attached: “The difficulty of parsing a question mark in the spoken-word depends wholly on the speaker’s inflections and on context. For phrases commonly taken rendered as statements, the speaker needs to raise her or his inflection at the end of the phrase in order for a listener to infer an inquisitive nature. All of this is irritating enough without considering ambiguous or even cryptic phrases, a trait ridiculously common to we the lonely wanderers. Not normally common to Salmacis, but I guess at this point it had her hands full already. Join us next month for the episode on complex pronoun systems!”)