(Ciphers of the Blind Man's Book)

10:45 AM
The hotel room window is a mirror.

10:46 AM
The bathroom mirror is a window showing screaming skulls.
Made me miss the toilet.

10:47 AM
I told Donnie not to use the bathroom. She didn't listen.

10:48 AM
"It's fine in there."
Huh. And it's fine again. Yeah.
Donnie's gone to get ready.
I'm just.. looking in the mirror now.

10:49 AM
You're fine. Yeah. You're fine.
"Talking to yourself?"
"Don't look out the door. Look in here. In the mirror."
There's. Someone else in the room. But only in the mirror.
She waved.
She's. A woman. Actually a rather normal-looking woman. Like, not a monster or anything.
Uh. Hi?
"You've been in here a long time."
The bathroom?
"No. I'm surprised. Normally people who wander in here find their way back out, unless they die. You two spent the night?"
Yeah. And we're gonna keep going. We're looking for a-- wait, maybe I shouldn't go around telling our plans to every last lady in a mirror.
"Ooh, you said something
Who even are you?

10:50 AM
Donnie came and got me. Mirror was empty again when she came in.
Huh. Weird.

10:51 AM
Setting out!
:D Day 2 of our epic journey into the heart of the rabbit hole! Next stop: ..somewhere that isn't this hotel world!

10:57 AM

10:58 AM
We're lost!
We’ve been walking around this hallway for a while now, passing more and more hotel rooms, but no elevator or stairway or even window in sight. And I don’t think either of us feels like stepping into one of these rooms.
Especially not since all the doors are number 616.

11:01 AM
It's just.. a big maze of hallways. Frequent turns and branching paths, any one part of this hallway looks plausible for a hotel, but obviously the layout is wrong. It's Hell Hotel Hallway here, hard and horrid.

11:02 AM
"I hear something."
Just keep walking, Donnie. I hear it too. It's probably just distortion or something.

11:04 AM
Wait. How the fuck do we hear distortion, that doesn’t make sense!
I hear a high-pitched whine, a sort of feedback.
In the direction we're going, too.

11:05 AM
The hallway’s getting a little narrower. Or is it just me?
I think the hall's ending.

11:06 AM
The hall’s ended. At the very end is a door. Room number 558.
Opening the door.’s locked!
Oh god I hear footsteps.
Oh god I hear a lot.
"Do you still have that rifle?"
It's in one of the boxes, let me get it.

11:07 AM
Donnie opened 558 while I was getting the rifle.
The footsteps are sprinting now, sounds like it's behind us, down the hall.
But inside 558 is the next rabbit hole.

11:08 AM
We just ran in and shut the door behind us.
Now we're in darkness.
How many of these "too dark" rabbit holes can one boy go through? Jeez.
Donnie's got a flashlight.

11:09 AM
The walls are bare and grey. Gray? Grey. We’re walking down a slope.
The slope’s turning.
Donnie tripped, and dropped the flashlight. No problem, we’ll just
The flashlight fell off this ledge.
Oh, I can see its beam as it falls.
…that’s a long drop. o_o;
Safe to assume I’m not seeing that one again.
"Those, uh. Those helmets we were given. Do they have nightvision or something cool like that?"
If we can find them in the box, we can try?
I hear it
a door opening behind us
those footsteps caught up with us
well I'll just have to rely on the muzzleflash of this rifle for light o_o;;

step, step, step…

My head is killing me.
I'm in a classroom now? At least I can see again.
"classroom one" just faded into my field of vision, like a damn half-life chapter title.
I'm wearing my helmet. When did I put this on?
I don’t see Donnie anywhere.
There’s a window showing night.
Wait, no. That’s just a blackboard.
I’m not 100% sure what time it is, then.
I only see
a voice speaks to me: do you want to see?
It’s dark. The helmet doesn't have nightvision, but it does have a headtorch.
Writing on the blackboard reads “Obfuscation.”
The door is
The Door is
The door is locked
the Door is locked
the door Is locked
the door Is Locked
The Door is locked
so I open the door.

Night (2)
Hallway with tiled floors.
Doors lining the walls. No room for lockers or posters or anything else.
Numbers ranging from 101 to 1001.
That doorknob just rattled.

Night (3)
Donnie, are you okay? :c
She’s passed out on the floor next to the door. Looks like she was thrust against it.
But by what?

Night (4)
I’m dragging her out of this classroom.

Night (5)
Out in the hallway now. I don’t recall there being two double doors there. I don’t recall there being an end to the hallway at all.
Through the doors, I can see a man standing far in the distance.
He’s wearing a theatrical sadface mask.
Oh, that guy.
He’s just standing there, feet apart, hands in pockets, looking at us.
Is he gonna charge at us? Is he gonna creepily walk away?
..he’s turning around.
And he’s walking the other way.
There’s another set of double doors down there, and he’s heading for them.
..I hear noises behind us.
There’s another set of double doors far behind us, and he just came out of them.
Fuck it, putting Donnie down, pointing my damn rifle.
"Hey whoa whoa!" hands up, stopped "Fair play, I wasn't expecting that!"
What do you want?
"...I, uh, don't have a good answer to that!"
Okay, well, who are you?
"My name's Omega! Listen, man, I was just trying to scare you! I'm lost here too!"
Okay, Omega... do you happen to know where 'here' is, at least?
"We're in Night (5), aren't we?"
he looks relieved "Oh thank god, you're here. Help me out, man!"

Night (6)
My goddamn head.
Someone else must have come up behind me, but I didn't hear a thing. Sadface man, or Omega, he ran into a classroom.
And there's no one behind me now. But I was definitely hit.
Fuck it. I'm going after him, into that classroom.

Night (7)
Oh god, what the fuck.
Donnie’s in here. Even though she's definitely unconscious on my shoulder. The one up there, she’s stripped naked, held out like some fucking crucifixion thing, and held to some orbicular device by ropes.
She's fucking crucified.
The only things missing are blood and rust. ..and a crazed religious cult. >_>
I think she’s passed out. For her sake, I hope she is.
This is Donnie I'm carrying on my shoulder, right?

"Hey, how's it going."
It's Omega.
"It's me."
Are we just doing a comedy routine right now?
"I dunno,
she's looking too Silent Hill to be comedic."
Fuck it. I’m cutting her down from there.

Night (8)
Motherfuckers, I’m gonna kill them.
"Don't look at me."
On Donnie’s back, she’s been whipped. A lot.
The lashes form “THE HARLOT?
"I'm sure that'll wash off."
Do you have anything productive to add?!
"No, seriously, this place is a lot less consequence-y than it seems. It's a lot more like a waking dream. She'll be fine. Promise!"
Well, how do you. How do you know?
"You think this is my first time? You're in
their house now. The Musicians' house."

Day (1)
I awoke on a highway. It's one of those areas where you can see for miles; the area’s that flat and barren. Nothing but grey (gray?) for miles and miles. And the road.
And the dark purple sky.
Donnie's here with me, still unconscious.
Wait, no, she's waking up!

Day (2)
She's okay. Her back's fine. She was baffled for a bit, but I showed her my journal. Filled her in.
She's looking around now.
"That Omega guy still here?"
No, no sign of him.
"What the hell was he doing?"
yeah I have no clue.
You sure you're okay? Any weird dreams, psychological stuff?
"No, really, I'm good. I dreamed of being followed, but, is that really so strange?"
I guess not. So you're good to walk?
"Yeah. Let's go."

Day (3)
We passed a road sign. It said “The Peisistratos lies up ahead. Take a break!


Day (4)
I don’t know how long we’ve been walking, but absolutely nothing has been happening. It’s just been endless trekking.
Endless. Monotonous.
Lots of sighs from both of us.
Rabbit holes, huh?
"Yeah. Rabbit holes."

Day (5)
A fog has surrounded us.
We can hear things flying around. Flapping.
I can feel humidity decreasing.
Donnie’s starting to feel a pain in her back.
We can see our own breath.
I’m gripping Tiger Stripes. Hard.


Day (6)
Nothing changed. There's flapping, and we can even make out vague shapes in the fog circling us, but nothing's coming at us right now. So we tried simply walking on. That's.. working so far. We're sticking close together. Back to back.

Day (7)
There's a bigger shape just off the road. Not moving. I don't think it's a creature.
"I think it's a.. car?"
Are we approaching civilization, or
gasp "Look!"
it's a rectangle to me
"That's a Door! That's got to be a Door!"
well we can move towards it and see

the flying things don't like us getting close to that doorknob
they're starting to whip at us
furry tails, like giant dragonflies
"I've got it!!"

Day (8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
The smell of evening papers and mildew, much like you’d find in a study. Or a.
We’re in a library.
An impossibly large library.
Is this...?
"You're here." o_o
There's a man here, old man, cloaked in gray shawl, wearing black sunglasses.
He’s the man who can flip through the books of our lives freely.

"The time is 8:05 PM.
They call me 'the blind man.' My name is Tiresias.
I have much to say to you.
This is the Peisistratos. It is my home, the foundation of all human knowledge. Not long ago, it was to be found on Earth. But then the Rapture started, and now it is here, a waystation deep within this damned labyrinth.
You have come here because you were summoned. Now that you are here, it is only into yet more madness that you descend. But you will do it, because you want to know. You believe that one can know. I believed this too, once... and perhaps, in time, I will believe it again. I cannot believe it right now, as I am forbidden from accessing my book.

"The time is 8:06 PM.
My library, as you can imagine, contains every book that can be contained. There are more books than have ever been on Earth. I have a book for every human, with their every thought laid out in chronological order. I even have some books for Fears... you have heard of them by now, yes?"
The books?
"The Fears."
you a Fear?
smirk "I have been called much worse. As I am a Fear, as I
belong to the Fears, there is a book for me as well. But this one does not contain my every thought. I was chosen, perhaps I was born, to be bookkeeper of this place, and part of that responsibility includes writing my own book, by hand. I have done so for a very long time.

"The time is 8:07 PM.
This book of mine, it contains the maps of the secret city. It contains the unpalatable requests of the beast. It contains the dreams of nothing at all. It contains the true nature of ferocity. It contains the flood that her evolution brings. It contains the fruits of chaos. It contains the twilight of the gods. It contains the key to containing the virus known as Indisen. And, yes, it contains the truth and true nature of Rapture."
donnie raised her hand
"Did you just raise your hand?"
"It's okay, you can speak. You're better off speaking, in fact."
"Sorry. Uh! Can we.. see this book?"
"But of course. It is the simplest request. It is only natural." pained smile "No. My book is locked. With the coming of the red sky, my book became sealed by seven locks. Each lock is encrypted by a different cipher, for there are no keys. And only the Lamb can decode the ciphers.
Follow me.

"The time is 8:08 PM."
He's leading us down a narrow aisle of books.
Books in all directions. Even the floor below us is paved with books.
"There are more books in here than people in all of history. There are more words here than grains of sand in the universe.
"I have been doing this for a
very long time."
whoa. o_o
"With the Rapture, I have become trapped in here, but there was once a time when I roamed the Earth. One day, if you two would be willing, I would enjoy showing you some chapters I have written. But first we must open... that."
whoa. o__o
That's your book? That's.. gigantic…
"I have had to increase its size with the years, both pagewise and physically. Please, feel free to describe it in your journal."
It's. I mean, it's a big book. Hard brown cover. Far too big to hold in my hands, or even Tiresias's hands. It's currently mounted on a large marble pedestal. There is no title on the cover, but there are seven jet-black locks extending across the pages from front to back cover, forbidding opening. No lock has keyholes, only drawings of.. what look like weird beasts? I see like a long dragonfly... and a beehive? A torso on tank treads... a mass of heads... and the last three: a lower-case t, a thing crawling with eyes and tentacles, and a regal devil-man-thing.
"Hmph. That's all you have to write?"
What? How can you tell?
"Oh, don't mind me, just talking to myself.

"The time is 8:10 PM.
Do you notice that four of the locks have already been opened?"
Uh. Wait.
...oh shit! Yeah! Yeah, now I do!
And so there are three that are actually locking the book shut!
"How observant.
Each lock corresponds with a cipher located deep within Xanadu."
within what, sorry?
"You are here." arms stretched out "The labyrinth of the rabbit holes, feared even by the gods, this is Xanadu."
donnie "Wow!!!"
yeah. wow. o: So there's, like. Quote-unquote 'keys' deeper down the rabbit holes? Three of them.
"Yes. You will know them when you see them. Find them. Find the Ciphers. If you hurry, you might just catch the next train."
He gestured towards a nearby Door, through which we can see the interior of a train.
"But one thing more.

"The time is 8:11 PM.
Jordan, you will return to this librar
y in time. And you will find the fifth Cipher, though I don't know that you will decode it. I do know that you have gained the attention of the Musicians, and for that, I grieve. They are not like any other Fear. They will hound you inside your own mind. There is no peace unless it is by their choice. Good luck.
"Donnivan, you will undergo a great judgment in the months to come. You will be tested by a Fear no one else alive has even
seen. You will know lowness, and I grieve for you too. Hold on, no matter what you do. You will ultimately be protected in the carnage. I promise you this, you will be protected.
"You two will meet new friends on your journey. You will face creatures and locations so sinister they can hardly be classified as 'monsters.' And if you're lucky enough, if you make it through the trauma, if you strain yourselves and drain yourselves and push yourselves beyond the limits you thought you had, you can come out the other side.

8:15 PM
This isn’t just any train; this is the wreckage of one. It’s freezing cold here.
The pipes look like they’ve frozen over.

8:18 PM
We’re having to bust down frozen doors. It’s like being in a giant freezer.

8:20 PM
Exit, stage left!
Waitwaitwait lemme do this right.
I’ll be there in 3, 2, 1,
oh god does our box have an extra coat? This jacket isn’t thick enough for fucking Antarctica. And our fancy military-grade equipment DOES NOTHING FOR THIS

8:24 PM
We’re huddling close together while trotting through the thick snow.

8:40 PM
Sounded like some kinda arctic wolf howling away.

8:44 PM
And that one sounded like a whole pack.
Oh god, it hurts to run out here.

8:47 PM
Fuck that sounded close
Keep running, oh god Door where are you.

8:52 PM
Cave or more flat tundra? Cave or more flat tundra? Cave or more flat tundra?
Cave it is!

8:53 PM
The snow on the ground around here isn’t as thick. It’s easier to run. I just hope the cave doesn’t run out.

8:54 PM
The wolves have caught up, all six of ‘em.
We’re not ready to stand and fight yet. We’re ready to keep running!

8:55 PM
The exit to the cave! Light at the end of the tunnel!
THAT’s a big black dog.

8:56 PM
The dog just fucking slaughtered all six wolves within a minute. The wolves are easily bigger than it.
Then the dog growled at us with red eyes and leaped away into the darkness.

8:57 PM
Where are we now.
Good question.
It’s no longer ice cold. Now it’s pretty warm.
Headtorches back on.
It's a.. city street. No lights, not even from the sky, wouldn't even know what this was if it wasn't for our helmets.
Eerily silent. Just our footsteps on sidewalk.
Now, a city street has a lot of doors. Just gotta find one that takes us somewhere unexpected.

9:10 PM
That didn't take too long.
Now we're in…
Look, man.
It's just eldritch and shit, this time.
We’re talking clouds that are actually giant, slow, floating spiders. The ground around here looks like ordinary sand. We’re on a small cliff, just came out of a green cave with green rocks. The cave happened to have a door on it that we exited from, but now the door is gone.
Sky is blue, pulses purple and orange several times a minute. Lightning strikes from the middle of the sky, not the spiderclouds. Out of the lightning comes well done hamburgers on fine china resting right where the shit struck.
Don't see any plants nearby, I don’t think. I don’t see fauna, either. Thank God.
Y'know, besides the.. clouds.

9:14 PM
The cave behind us, the one that no longer has a door, actually leads to the interior of a church. There are five beds inside in rather odd spots. They say “Rael,” “Victoria,” “Nicholas,” “Juliet,” and “John.”
Donnie walked right up to the bed labeled "Victoria" and just keeled over.
I'm not in a rush to get going. It's been a long day.

(Attached: “Look at me, I sound like a video game prophet character. At least I get better the more I see people. That library gets to you after a while; isolation gets to you after a while. It wasn’t always my library; I had inherited it from.. myself? Which would make it, indeed, always my library. But its nature is not to be understood nor reproduced: My library, the Peisistratos, came from the Empty City. After I escorted a Musician monopole away from his greatest creation, I woke up in the past. Five minutes, as a matter of fact, before the apocalypse– on the night of May 20th, 2011. Not wishing to relive the red sky, I asked the world for a Door and found one beckoning me in my local library. The Empty City greeted me with the stagnant but underlyingly living hum that every city has. The yawn of electricity.
I spent a day in meditation, listening to the City’s hum and finding its lexemes. For the next five, I learned its language entirely– it has no written word; its synthetic syllables exist only in sound– and I communicated with the Fear. We became friends. I taught it about the laws of time travel, and it in return gave me my library. I took a day of rest to let books write themselves, and then the City dubbed me Weneg.
I have been called many things, but of the titles I consider my names proper, there are thirteen. I will not live long enough to write my lifetime in full, so I will simply give a list.
1: , the name my parents gave me.
2: Thoth, arbiter of the gods, reviver of the fallen, leader of the Ogdoad.
3: Weneg, defender of Earth from the great coming chaos, against whom I fell in battle but still fended off.
4: Odin, or ‘Yggr’ as I preferred to call myself at the time. This was, in essence, my brooding phase. I singlehandedly started the trend of gods calling themselves 'Fears’ here. I also started the Sisters of Mercy, but don’t worry about that.
5: Taucherlunge– 'Aqualung,’ I was coming out of my new wave appreciation and wanted to call myself something with a progressive hint as a response– otherwise known as the time of my life when I grew up and spent a long time in the past doing stuff to help people. Really, just anything to stop my reputation from being a creepy old man.
6: Parashurama, or 'Kalki’ as people often called me and I could never figure out why. My reputation now much more warm and loved, I worked at this period on voyaging to other universes, bridging out to gods from cultures I had never heard of. Didn’t go too hot, but I also made a number of friends. Met Maat here, one of the greatest individuals I could ever know.
7: Host of People. I went a little abstract in my name, but at this point I was content to wander through existence with Maat, talking about the many things we’ve seen, laughing over history. Before we knew it, we were walking through a time before matter, and it was here that we met Sbomten, spoke with Rosendower’s miscarriage, and saw life in a whole new way.
8: Paineilmalaitteet, tarkkailija maailman– later 'Painkiller’ as an easier-to-remember but unrelated nickname. Maat and I split here, and I elected to use my newfound abilities to visit my universe again. See, all this time I’d had to rely on Tuonela, our nearest universe, to travel through time, and since there were no Doors in the world after the apocalypse I had no easy way of going there, but Rosendower’s miscarriage had taught me how to travel through time independently of that. All it took was a snap of the fingers. I would then learn the truth of the limits of time travel and.. well, reckon with that. After the Azathoth episode, I did more introspection.
9: Vesisotakone. This was the big one, my longest era. The Sampo attracted an awful lot of attention to our universe, so I basically had to fight the great coming chaos battle over and over again. I had to direct the biggest battle backwards in time, and it culminated in destroying the Tower of Babel in the carnage. By accident. I knew all this chaos had to happen, though. I understood the implications and accepted them gravely. Schrodinger’s Suicide, after all. That’s the trouble with time travel.
10: Magog. Thanks to all the carnage, people now regarded me as the harbinger of end times. That 'Kalki' title came back in greater numbers here. I tried to make amends, I assured people that I had saved the world. But I knew just as well as they did why I couldn’t go back to the present day post-2011.
11: Fresca. Lost in the past, Louhi turned me into a woman for seven years. I answered some age-old questions.
12: Persse. In which I slept, hoping come eternity never to wake.
13: Tiresias. My name now.
And that’s my life. I know my death at the hands of Sanche’s oldest son in that shade of a library in Nice; I’ve read every text that’s ever been written; I've been there for the invention of every concept there is to know; I’ve fucked up this universe just by existing. The world ends in a
The world
Write the words, dammit.
The way the world ends is not with a whimper but with the mightiest crash ever amassed.
This is why I’ve long tried to avoid documenting my life: It risks the events being truly set in stone. And it hurts to remember.“)