(Secret Friend)

6:38 AM
Dream was of Donnie as a zombie. Her sickness took over her bloodstream and.. gah, it was awful things, journal. Awful things.
I’ve gotta find her some medicine.

7:12 AM
Someone else is out here.
It’s Bill. He looks paranoid.

7:13 AM
I just scared the shit out of him.
He says he sneaks out every morning because his parents won’t let him out of their sight when they’re awake and it’s too risky to go out at night.
I told him I was looking for medicine for Donnie; he said he knows where I can find some. Shit. o_o

7:37 AM
Well, I’ll be damned. A black market pharmacy in an alleyway nobody’d ever notice. Jack-fuckin’-pot, man.

7:40 AM
I’ve stuffed a bunch of various medicines in my coat pockets and as many as I could into my hat.
..Bill’s talking. Transcribing!
“You were asking a lot of good questions yesterday. About Rogers and those things. Rogers knew a lot, but my parents are strict about a lot of things.
“Rogers had.. this thing. This ‘secret friend’ he’d talk about. We didn’t want him talking to him, though, because this secret friend of his was nothing but trouble. Maybe you’ve met him, too. He’s a little boy. Rogers said the boy knew a lot of nursery rhymes. But the boy was always cold, always a little too cold. He looked like he had just been thawed out of, like.. a block of ice or something. Except he looked like that every time we saw him.”
I know exactly who he’s talking about. o__o
“The first time we saw the secret friend, Rogers woke us up in the middle of the night. The first night. The first night of all of this. The boy had been knocking on the back door, asking to be let in, but only Rogers heard him. So he went and let him in and then woke us up. Before that, everything was completely normal, everything. Like I said, it was the first night. Heh.. I guess you could say that boy was an omen.”
Bill seems pretty shaken about this. I asked what happened next.
“We asked the boy a lot of things, but he’d just either complain about the cold or recite a nursery rhyme. After about ten minutes of this, we lost track of him and he was just gone. Then our neighbours got killed by those spider-like cat things, and the rest is.. yeah. Hectic.
“We saw him a couple other times, always before something really bad happened. But Rogers talked about him a lot. He was his ‘secret friend.’ Have.. you seen him? The secret friend?”
Told him I have. Told him about seeing him in Spain.
“He’s not a real human child, that much is clear. He’s one of them.”
I asked about that. About them.
“Rogers called them ‘eldritch abominations.’ But that wasn’t their name; it was him trying to describe them. He told me about them once. He told me that ‘eldritch’ was a very old word. It meant ‘strange, uncanny, eerie.’ He said, when you get right down to it, almost everything out there’s an eldritch abomination. But there were particular ones. There were things he’d call something else. Particular things. Not zombies or anything, those were just eldritch things. But no, things like his secret friend, like those birds we kept seeing, like the Operator in that one internet series about the entries.”
..Marble Hornets.
“Yeah, Rogers loved things like that. That Marble Hornets thing, he’d show me it every week, and there’d be a new one. The man in those videos, the Operator, it looked very real, but Rogers said it was a fake. He said the real man is much more terrifying. He tried to explain it to me, but I didn’t quite get it then. I can remember bits of what he told me. He said to imagine the monster you were most afraid of, and to imagine something a hundred times as scary. He said that wasn’t even half as scary as the real man could be. As all these things can be.”
I asked if Rogers knew about these things like the Operator before this apocalypse happened.
“Oh no. Not definitely, but Rogers suspected. He had this suspicion that all these monsters and terrors we see in horror movies and stories had to come from somewhere. He said a lot of them weren’t that scary— the thing from The Grudge, for instance— but there were a good number that were. Rogers would watch all these horror films and he’d analyze them, and he’d write all these papers. He really knew what he was doing.”
I asked if he remembers much about the papers.
“No. But, we still have the papers. Rogers brought them with him. He wrote down a list of the.. things. The important ones. He kept the paper with him to let us know when we’ve hit a creature we’d have to avoid at all costs.”
About that name…
“Oh yes! The name. ..I actually don’t remember.”
Son of a dick.
“Sorry! I’m sorry. It should be on those papers, though. They’re back at the inn. I can get them for you and show you them tomorrow morning, if you’d like.”
I said that’d be perfect.

9:01 AM
I gave Donnie some pills. The label just said “Cold.”

11:39 AM
Donnie says she feels better already! :D

1:27 PM
Innkeeper’s calling for the daily headcount/meeting.

2:00 PM
..we’re missing more people than we should be. We should only be one down from yesterday. We’re three down.
fffff, and it’s children we’re missing. .___.;;
The innkeeper also said she’s extending the curfew. Eight o’ clock tonight, since the Massacrer seems to be interested in killing us indoors and out.

4:38 PM
Quiet day today.
Donnie’s awesome. .W.

6:42 PM

7:01 PM
We’ve all been looking around for twenty minutes now; we can’t find what the noise was.

7:06 PM

7:07 PM
It came from back here, down this alley.
There’s a woman. She

7:10 PM
It was a man. Asian man. We can tell only from the fact that he’s absent from the headcount.
His body is in tatters, absolutely ripped to shreds. His head.. he doesn’t even have a face anymore.
On the wall next to the bloodbath, someone’s written
It sounds like we’ve got a vigilante here.

8:43 PM
It makes you wonder who’s gonna die next. Really puts you on-edge, doesn’t it? o_e
I’m keeping a close eye on Donnie. And myself.

9:26 PM
Someone’s shouting in the hall.
I get the feeling
Heard “He’s dead.”

9:30 PM
This time, it was another man. First suspicion was that he was the Massacrer, but he wasn’t torn to shreds or anything. So it was probably the Massacrer that did him in.
Motherfucker, this is tense.

10:02 PM
Donnie wants to try to get some sleep tonight. I’m inclined to agree.

11:00 PM

11:03 PM
there was someone in our room
who was that

11:08 PM
Gah, I don’t know if I’ll ever sleep.

11:11 PM

(Attached: “The Ruin is an odd case. A bit of a loner, but not as much of one as Salmacis is; he at least communicates with the rest of us. He specializes in freezing things and isolating his targets. He doesn’t even seem to get anything out of it, since they all die anyway. Maybe that’s his tragedy. He’s just a little boy, forever a little boy, lost without his parents in a world of strangers, discovering his own abilities and finding his abilities are why he’ll never have friends. Shame about Rogers, then.”)