4:30 AM
I’ve slept plenty. Now I’m ready to go and do shit.

4:36 AM
I’m gonna take a walk around this town, see what’s there to see.

5:29 AM
Hello, handsome. I found a mirror in a shop. A big mirror.
Y’know, I didn’t realize I looked so damn good in this white suit. The actual jacket is more of a light-blue colour, but I guess it’s to set me apart from most white-suit folk. I think Mistress really thought this outfit through. It’s like.. a proper disguise. After all this killing, nobody’s gonna recognize me because I’ll be wearing all black and carrying a guitar controller!
I gotta try not to get blood all over the suit.

5:41 AM
…no way.
You have got to be shitting me, this can’t possibly be real.
This is a fucking CD shop.

5:53 AM
Sunsetters’ No Entry, Genesis’ Abacab, and I decided to give Bonnjo Vjonsped’s experimental years a try with Womp Womp. I dunno, it looks interesting.
Luckily, in Rapture, there’s no worry about paying for shit. >w>

5:59 AM
Went back to my car. Gonna listen to this shit on that music player, so I can play it super-loud and not wake people up.
Let’s try Womp Womp.

6:19 AM
Take the bass
Rock the place
Kick the space
In the face
With a taste
Of your case
Of Bud Lite taste
7:10 AM
Okay, that was about as close to the music of the gods as anything could get without being progressive rock. That was legitimately amazing.
I’m tired. I’ve been dancing too much. I’m gonna go back to the hotel.

7:28 AM
There’s that little kid again. He’s just sitting, cross-legged, in the hallway.
He’s looking at me, and he’s smiling. It’s an innocent smile, but I can see something behind it. Like he knows something. And he’s just.. waiting.
..I’m gonna wait in the bar.

7:31 AM
Bar’s fairly quiet, no doubt because it’s this early.

7:47 AM
Ferdinando came in. He’s sitting nearby, minding his own.
I don’t think I’ll use my crowbar for this. I’m gonna take a glass. Tall glass.
..fuck, I don’t know how the hell I’m gonna make it out of this. I do not look forward to it.

8:25 AM
I was so barbaric
He wasn’t a monster and I was so barbaric

9:56 AM
Hiding. Found a house. Hiding. Oh god, I must have gotten the whole town after me.
I think Ferdinando was the messenger they were sending to Manresa.
I’m gonna.. I’m just gonna rest a bit. Just a bit.

12:03 PM
..motherfucker where’s my car where is my car
No no no nooo oh god no, all my prog was in there
I’m.. no. No, just no no, no please, I can’t do this, my prog. ._.
Oh god.

12:07 PM
…false alarm, I just remembered I took all my CDs into the house with me.
BUT STILL. My car!
Looks like I’m back to walking.

12:34 PM
Like before, I have no idea where I’m going now. I mean, I know I’m going to Manresa, but I have no idea where that is.
I guess I’ll just keep following this road.

3:01 PM
God, it’s getting hot.

5:22 PM
I’ve noticed that there have been a lot less crazy monsters ever since I left Blackpool. I almost miss them. It’s better than all this boredom.

8:49 PM
I’m getting very tired. I’m just gonna.. stop in this house here. And sleep.

8:57 PM

9:14 PM
There were people there, oh my god. They answered the door with a shotgun. And said “Dios mio, el bufon blanco!
I guess that’s my name now. The white buffoon.

9:32 PM
Another house. I’m gonna try this one.

9:40 PM
Empty, completely empty. Perfect. I’m gonna get some shut-eye, then.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today was.

(Attached: “While Womp Womp wasn’t the first instance of dubstep in the music world, it was probably the funniest. Bonnjo Vjonsped are the world’s dumbest metal band. Their name is pronounced ‘Bon Jovi on speed,’ a pronunciation that literally makes no sense when you look at the way it’s spelled and think about it for a second. They spent most of their years in obscurity, though Womp Womp was met on release with a warm reception since no one had heard of these guys so the critics assumed the album was a parody. The cheesy lyrics were quite serious, I assure you. I’ve met the guys.”)