A List of Friends, Affiliates, and Collaborators

No man is an island. I've been to that island before, it's empty and conspicuously quiet. I've tried not to live there for very long, and in fact I have succeeded-- I've made a lot of creations with the help of others. I want to link to them. This list will probably never be final.

Jump to: alliterator - ceph - Danny - Hex - Lindsay - Rappu - RealaChao - RND Media - SlendySlayer - Squeek - TheVisitor - Wiratomkinder

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alliterator was one of the founders of the Fear Mythos. He wrote over 80 blogs for it, often pulling from rich influences. He got me into Jorge Luis Borges and David Lynch, and he collaborated with me on a number of my bigger projects. He was one of the OG Rapture fans. There is no easy way to follow him now, but if you go to the Chronological List of Fearblogs and CTRL-F for "alliterator" you can find the many blogs he's done.

alliterator has collaborated with me on:

ceph was an online friend from long ago. They gave me much inspiration and made art for my stories. They helped me with:

Danny was another old online friend. We've got each other's backs if anything goes wrong, but Danny's just plain a good egg. He helped with many ideas for Rapture and I made sure to give him a Character in there.

Hex is a dear friend from later in the Fear Mythos. They were one of the players in Nine is God and made art for Viceking's Graab and the Sunsetters. They're a hard worker and an archaeologist, and you can find them on tumblr.

Lindsay is a person I know in real life. We met in marching band camp in 2009, though we now live in different countries and are online friends. They believed in me from the start and fell in love with Rapture. We have made some blogs together (namely the Archangard & Magreat blogs), but their primary collaboration with me has been Blind Man's Book, the musical project where we.. make music on the internet! They are a much more talented musician than me, and they're even in some bands, such as Dorian Genesis and It's Been An Honor.

Lindsay has helped me with:

Rappu was someone I met on TVTropes a long time ago, a Finnish teacher who wound up making a lot of art for Rapture. I visited her in Finland a couple times and oversaw the production of some beautiful paintings.

Rappu has helped me with:

RealaChao has been my online friend since 2010. Her excitable typing style, passionate sense of Caring and Importance, and artistic drive were deeply influential on me; much of the soul (and, indeed, the name itself) of OH GOD THE RAPTURE IS BURNING came from her. And it was none other than she who introduced me to neocities! She has made a lot of art for my stories, and over on her own Website, you can see a ton of the art she does herself.

Reala has helped me with:

RND Media are a Cornish media group I became good friends with for a while. I helped them make videos, and they helped me in turn. They have since become much harder to follow, having taken down their creative output, but they're still helping local musicians promote themselves (warning: Facebook link). I still have videos of theirs that I uploaded, so I'll link to those.

SlendySlayer is another Fear Mythos buddy, one I've met in real life before. They were a reviewer of blogs and vlogs for a time, and they became an Editor for Rapture!

Squeek is an older Fear Mythos buddy, another one I've met in real life. They made some fascinating blogs (some of which I provided a voice for!), and they were in fact a Rapture cosplayer who is the entire reason Salmacis canonically has blue hair.

TheVisitor was one of the earlier members of the Fear Mythos, creator of The Choir and helper with many good ideas. They provided art for Rapture, Nine is God, and Viceking's Graab.

Wiratomkinder is a tumblr friend who's been a fan of Rapture for yonks now. They have generously provided art for many of my stories, and Wiratom's own creations are thought-provoking and marvelous.

The stories Wiratom has contributed to are: