The Gallery of Minor Works
Not all of my creations are big sprawling mazes of context. Some of them are small things. Some of them are really basic experiments, some of them actually have something going on. I have no idea whether to recommend any of them, often for different reasons. All links lead to Blogger except where stated otherwise.
NOTE: As these are all hosted blogs (and not converted to The Website), they are in Standard Blog Format, and so posts are arranged in reverse chronological order.
The Early Stuff
I basically never revisit these, have little intention of converting them to Website at the moment, and post their links here for posterity.
- Moonlit Whispers - My first completed Fearblog, back in 2011. It's about someone hearing noises in their apartment at night, and it has, uh, audio posts in it.
- Memories of a Time Beyond - Tumblr - Some generic horror about a woman in a choir who keeps hearing things. Was my first time really trying a different blog format.
- Where My Eyes Remain - Slenderblog. A cop encounters the Slender Man.
- Harlequin Metropolis - Fearblog adaptation of Dream Theater's album Metropolis, pt. 2: Scenes From A Memory, but with an ending I thought was better.
- Built For Two - This was probably one of my better ones? Some people really liked this one. About a mathematician who seeks the greatest paradoxes and finds an impossible city. Technically has a companion blog (Penny Farthing Street) that my dad, of all people, started and never finished.
- Benefits - This one's not bad. A twelve-post narrative of grief and addiction, themed around cigarettes and the sea. I should rewrite parts of this one.
The Compositions
By this point, I'd finished some of my bigger projects and felt more confident with the blog format. So I started experimenting with form. I do still revisit these.
- Nobody anymore, never again - The content describes a bad anxiety attack. The form found itself.
- Fear - Omnibus of thirteen one-post blogs put together. Collaboration with Lindsay, for Archangard & Magreat purposes, but this one doesn't belong to a specific canon. I did The Archangel I - III, The Deep VIII, and the omnibus itself. Each blog is a piece of abstract art, a quadtrych of title, url, image, and text. And each one does, in fact, have meaning behind it.
- Manta: A Meta-Level Logical Toolkit - A Deadblog ("by Magreat"), poetry of curated pseodorandom content.
- Cangirisin - A Deadblog ("by Magreat"), a mixture of self-made and pseudorandom content.
- composition no. - Theme: The unfinished blog.
- composition no. 2 - Theme: The unfinished gender.
- composition no. 3 - Theme: The mechanics of clarity.
- composition no. 4 - Theme: The weapon of clarity.
- composition no. 5 - Theme: Evil.
- composition no. 6 - Theme: The mirror of clarity.
- composition no. 7 - Theme: The circle of creation.
- composition no. 8 - A long-form narrative, a resolution. (NOT DONE)
- About the composition no. series.
Political Pieces
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