("promise you'll never?")

12:01 AM
"I just happened to be in the neighbourhood, figured I'd drop by."
Thank you for the consideration.
"Are you going to invite me in for some hot coffee?"
"That's the idea." giggles
That's.. not what I meant.
"It's what I meant."
she's pushing her way in.
donnie's coming downstairs. sees mistress. backing up, back up the stairs now. to the bathroom.
now why can't I.

4:50 PM
Donnie and I. Kitchen.
“We’re gonna get out of here, right?”
Yes. We are. We’ll get out of here, and we’ll go to.. uh..
“We’ll go to a church. And get married.”
Are you okay?
“Marriage is a perfectly normal thing to suggest!” ..she burst into tears. “I’m just so alone. I feel like you’re falling in love with that.. thing.”
Oh god. No. No.
“Do.. do you promise?”
I do.
“Promise you’ll never?”
I promise. Donnie, you’ve been treated horribly, and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make it up to you; I promise that too.
“You don’t need to. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
I feel like I have.
“You’re my best friend at the moment. You’ve treated me the best out of everyone so far.”
..then why do I hate myself? ._.

7:58 PM
We went to the restaurant again. We made ourselves meals and talked about other future plans. We thought about running to some countryside town nearby, or perhaps all the way to France. But in the end, those aren’t very good plans.
I’m starting to realize that Mistress chose the perfect place to lead us to. Blackpool is far from everything. Everything except the ocean, and we can’t run across that.
What does she want with us?

9:12 PM
I just want to sleep all night tonight. With Donnie.
But we can’t. Mistress will visit tonight. There’s no telling what she’d do to us if she found us sleeping.
So I guess we’ll listen to some music.

10:39 PM
Music is fun. Legitimately fun. It’s making me feel alive.

11:00 PM
Donnie’ll get it this time. She insists.

11:01 PM
It’s not Mistress, I know that much.
It’s a man.
He’s handing Donnie a flyer. And now he’s leaving.
I couldn’t see him very well from up here.

11:02 PM
Donnie says he was a man in a similar outfit to what I normally wear. Black suit, black pants, sunglasses, (no scarf,) and.. well, she said he was in a fedora.
She also says he had dark hair and a thin moustache. He didn’t speak.
That sounds a little like.. Bones. But I mean what? I mean.. he was my best friend back when I used to live in America a year ago. So it can't be. Of course not. It's someone else.
Oh right, the flyer. It actually wasn’t a flyer; it was a receipt. For a B-4000k Oven. Expensive, according to this thing. In the quintuple-digit range.
The hell?
Donnie says she’s going to hide the receipt somewhere. Just in case.
I’m still trying to figure out what the point to that was.

11:11 PM
I wish tonight will be at least a little bit gentler than normal.

11:39 PM
Speak of the devil. That’ll be Mistress. I’ll get it.

11:41 PM
"Tonight's session will have to be shorter than usual. I have news for you. But first, I want to have my way with the hottest man around." more giggles.
Every time she compliments me, I feel worse about myself.
Every time she giggles, I want her to just hurry up and kill me already.

(Attached: “He never complimented the Harlequin. He only asked her to pledge her love to him. He gave her new clothes and told her to go kill the prime minister. She looked at him, afraid but trusting, and asked if he was okay. He punched her and told her, if she didn’t do this, she would never feel again.”)