("cakes mean the party funds")

5:59 AM
She let go. >_<
"This is your last warning, because maybe this was just an innocent fuck-up, maybe you're not flagrantly trying to piss me off."
Should I.. go looking for it?
"Yeah. Yes, you should."
Yes, ma’am.

6:05 AM
I’ve looked all over the house. Nothing. I’m gonna check the tropers' rooms.

6:07 AM
It’s in here. In troper 2's. But who the hell put it here?

6:08 AM
I presented the package to Mistress. She opened it, making sure not to let me see what was inside. "Alright. I'm satisfied with this. But I'm still mad at you for losing it in the first place. So I'll have you take today off." What does that m

6:14 AM
She took me out of the house, led me to a manhole, and had me climb in.
There's nowhere for a human to go down here, the water pipes are way too small, this is just a little hole.
and moved something on top of the manhole, by the sounds of it.

8:52 AM
That package has caused me a lot of trouble. I mean, first, fucking slendy delivered it. Then, I couldn’t even open the damn thing, and it smelled like SHIT. Then it fucking cockblocked me. Now it’s gotten me thrown in a fucking sewer!
I wonder what was even in the fucking thing. I mean, it smelled like rotting flesh and fecal matter. Maybe it was. Maybe Mistress is even kinkier than me. Or maybe she just wanted me to carry random shit around to remind me who’s the boss around here. Either way, oh my god that’s awesome, but why this??? I didn't fucking touch it!
Why must girls always be so awesome, journal…
Why must I always be so lonely??

9:08 AM
I think I’ll try to sleep. I mean, I’ve slept for longer.

6:34 PM
Am I still being punished yep back to bed.

10:21 PM’s been a while. I haven’t even eaten. I guess Mistress was really mad.
Note to self: Unconditional submission really is the way to go.

10:22 PM
Note to self: Beg for forgiveness next time Mistress lets you out. Kiss her ass if you have to.

10:29 PM
Note to self: Okay, I’ve thought about it. Wooden ass would be really weird to kiss. But I’d still do it. You kidding? I’d kiss the hell out of that ass.
..Note to self: You’re talking about a puppet.
Note to self: A pretty hot puppet, am I right?

10:30 PM
Note to self: Not really.
…Note to self: Okay, so she is.

10:33 PM
Donnie’s hotter.

10:39 PM
Oh, you know who’s hotter than the both of ‘em? Fentzy. Totally.
Note to self: Ask Fentzy to show you what the hell she even looks like. That’s the thing about online friends. >.>

10:42 PM
….Note to self: Make sure, when asking Fentzy that, not to show this journal.
Note to self: Seriously. That would be bad.

10:52 PM

10:53 PM
Note to self: For that matter, don’t show Donnie nor Mistress this journal. If either of them heard I’d talked about how much hotter other girls are… oh god. “Cockblocked” would be pretty accurate. In the case of Mistress, that’d probably be literal, too.

11:00 PM
OHHHGOD I AM SO SORRY, MISTRESS. I promise, I’ll never ever never never NEVER ever disobey a single whim of yours ever again, ohgodpleaseletmeout.
Did I ever mention how unbelievably hot you are, Mistress? :D
Mistress thinks I’ve learned my place. Mistress is going to take me back. Oh thank you thank you thank youuuu. .w. Your Hotness, may I hug you? C:

11:03 PM
Back in Blackpool. :DDDD

11:09 PM
The others asked where I’d been all day. Told ‘em I took a walk. I think they bought it.

11:28 PM
….fuck, bedtime. >_>

(Attached: "Reading the journals gives me a headache. Too much of one perspective. Like, how are we sure that Jordan is the only person this Harlequin thing dominates? How are we sure any of this stuff even happened? For all I know, it's probably an allegory for whatever boring political stuff led to the current state the world's in now. The red sky is probably a metaphor for the old regime, Donnie the social revolution, and “motherfucker” signifies national gratitude. Cakes mean the party funds. When from down swords the sea merged the oldowth guns and answer made the bold O' Dwyer. But. What I'm trying to say is this stuff focuses on all the wrong stuff. I prefer his later stuff, and so I hand in my Indie Cred badge. -Priestess in the Street")