For the actual composition, click here.

here is the seventh one. this is a considerable step down in complexity, but there is a sense to this. if we view the compositions as a series– which, they are!– then the first seven are a cycle. we have seen a depression gradually process itself via the question of creation. 1 was the most like a conventional blog so far, pretending to be an unfinished conventional blog. 2 and 3 sequentially deteriorated the form from there. 4 was a moment of clarity, using the format of the blog to approach the subject matter at its most clear. 5 was both a breakdown and also a moment of visual clarity, showing the visual elements at their climax. 6 expressed interest in returning to creation, and as such it was a more mature creation than 4. and now, with 7, we have a full return into a conventional blog.
the sequence can also be compared to a musical scale, with intervals and chords between numbers. (it’s probably a minor key of some sort.)

7 takes the form of a blog by the name of Jordan Made Another Blog. this naming convention puts it in the tradition of, or at least as a reference to the tradition of, my blogs Jordan Eats Normally Now, Jordan Eats Normally Again, and My, Either Eating’s New Again. (well, that last one doesn’t sound relevant to JMAB, but, there’s hidden secrets to these names.)
the abbreviation JMAB is also why 7’s original URL was “jassignedmaleatbirth,” which is now the meta-description for the webpage. it’s a really silly joke but one that delights me.

the background of this blog has been changed from the original, as the original was just one of the default backgrounds for Blogger. I had deliberately gone with a default background in pursuance of completing the vibes of a conventional blog. but for the Website release, I elected instead to just.. replace the image. the original was some moody trees, so I took a picture of some moody trees (specifically, from Topography Genera). this change affected the color scheme of the blog, so I also took some time to figure out the new colors.

so. yeah. I’ve repeatedly established now that the conceit of 7 is The Return Of The Conventional Blog.

I have talked before, on this tumblr, about the content of 7. I’ll summarize anyway, for posterity’s sake.

so this time around, “composition no. 7” is presented as the title of a post, because the actual effort this time went into the ‘narrative presentation.’ not even strictly the narrative, but the writing style.

the post has two actual sections (unlabelled). the first is a paragraph or two (it ends with “I don’t really want to be so silent anymore”), and the second is the entire rest of the post. 

section 1 is dense, with much more forethought. it’s closer to the writing style of 4, 6, and the upcoming 8. heady, self-reflective, meta. if we look at this musically, it’s where the Main Theme of the composition no. series receives its seventh variation.

section 2 is more like how I used to write, it’s narratively-driven and much more casual in style. I went into the post with a story to tell, and after I’d composed the hard thoughts, I could finally just get that little story out there. it’s still rhythmic, honestly I love having the juxtaposition of these two ways of writing in here as both of them feel very musical to me!

the actual narrative is kind of a joke. the blog is entirely honest with you– it is a true story, with some unknown innocent explanation, that, without said explanation, accidentally feels like the opening to a horror story. specifically, as a horror story in the Fear Mythos, it’d be a blog about the Manufactured Newborn. (you may remember the Newborn as the Fear at the root of the Sunsetters song “Railroad to Metropolis.”)
I also must here observe that the implied presence of the Newborn meshes well with the overall conceit of a return to blogging. newborn, new blog, the pregnant concept of the new.

so that’s already, like. everything.

in true composition no. fashion, 7 was another blog I kept thinking I should write more of. I had intended 7 to be a blog I’d return to and make more posts for. but, honestly, for the many reasons stated above, it kinda is cohesive. it is appropriate for the series. it is interesting as an installment in the series!